Passive Shareholders: Do they work?
Before we get started, passive shareholders have a time and place in many businesses. Our experience shows us though, that that the time...
Passive Shareholders: Do they work?
Golden Handcuffs? Or the Incoming Equity Owner knocking on the door?
Balancing Control - Having and Relinquishing
Why your receptionist should own equity.
Legacy. What does it mean to you?
Partners Vs Equity Holders
Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.
Cultural Alignment - All the money in the world, and no buy-in.
"First who, then what." - Jim Collins
People in your Succession Plan.
Timing in your Succession Plan.
Maths in your Succession Plan.
Your WHY of Succession
What is a Succession Plan?
You can never do succession too early...
Are you a Custodian of your Business?