Why it’s important to structure your business correctly
The tax and legal consequences of poor structuring can haunt you into the future. Sure, it’s best to have the structure set up correctly for you now and into the future, from the start, however it’s almost never too late to review your structure. Sometimes, it is cost prohibitive to change structure, however knowing the benefits and pitfalls as you go is critical to successful business planning.
Situations where restructuring can help
When you’re under 2 million in turnover, there are certain Small Business Capital Gains Tax Concessions available to you, a restructure during this time may help you cement your cost base for future transactions and set your entity up for success in a later succession plan process.
If you’re setup as a single ownership entity, e.g. a discretionary trust, a restructure may be necessary to help you introduce new equity holders in the future.

Features of our Mergers & Acquisitions support
Understanding your existing business
Understanding the ideal structure
Understanding the tax consequences of moving
Understanding the payback period of the costs of restructuring
Understanding the benefits into the future of moving
Assisting with any changes
Supporting you through completion and execution
If you want to understand your structure and how this works for you in your future contact us today.