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There is a mass of data in everything we do these days, and it's easy to get lost amongst it but it's also important to be across key factors. 

In a financial planning business, there are a few items that any buyer goes to first. 

+ Number of client groups

+ Average fee per client group 

+ Minimum fees 

+ Grouped as to product revenue - is this spread across 100 products, or 10? 

At a business level, we care about:

+ Overall profitability - including market salaries

+ Staff cost as a percentage of revenue

But the number and size of client fees come into this. If you have 600 clients each paying $1,000 it costs more to serve than having 125 clients at $4,000 each. 

If you want to discuss how your business sits compared to market and how you can make it more attractive, please reach out to Fiona using Contact Us to discuss.


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